

O beatissime lector, lava manus tuas et sic librum adprehende, leniter folia turna, longe a littera digito pone.*

A lot of moving parts are inherent to the development of a blog, journal, website, or other digital artifact. This describes the tools and components used, and the usage rights applied in the development, management, and publishing of Tandem Farms's digital presence. This page also includes a brief privacy policy.

Your Privacy

We use MailChimp to gather subscribers and manage a mailing list. We will not sell your data and we will not abuse the relationship we have with you by bludgeoning you with spam and offers for services and such. We'll keep the relationship to news and occassional announcements. If you feel we are pinging you too much, please send us feedback. But your data will stay with us, except for the data MailChimp needs to operate. They promise something similar (not to abuse this data). Check out their privacy policy here:

We're a small family farm (Tandem Farms and The Carolina Bee Company). That's the extent of our privacy policy. We just hope you enjoy our pictures and our adventures, and hopefully, the occasional item we sell. Have a wonderful day and remember to get outside.

Content Licensing

    Only one thing is impossible for God:
    To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet.
    —Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)

Unless otherwise indicated, all content found published to this website is available under the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 International license, or any later version.

A summary of the terms of this license is available, as well as its detailed terms.

Rights associated to the trademarks and service marks of Tandem Farms, as well as the look and feel of this website, are not licensed under the terms mentioned above. However, I support you making full use of your rights under fair use, fair dealing and other exceptions and limitations.

Technical Construction

Basic Infrastructure

Development Tools

  • Todd's laptop: Fedora Linux workstation
  • Image manipulation: GIMP and Inkscape
  • Offline document development and brainstorming: Joplin
    Instructions for installing Joplin on Fedora Linux can be found here.

Images, Text and Fonts, Color Pallet

Image formatting

Imagery is edit and manipulated using the Inkscape and GNU Image Manipulation Program, GIMP software applications. Complex custom content is often developed first in Inkscape, saved as a SVG vector graphic, then outputted to a PNG graphic, and if need by, scaled down and cropped using GIMP. Individual components needed by an Inkscape project (example, individual raster images), are usually edited in GIMP first, utilized by Inkscape, with the resultant export, again edited with GIMP.

There is a constant struggle to balance beautiful imagery with the needs to of the internet (size of image).

Image dimensions for the website

  • Article header images and those that span the breadth of an article: 800px wide.
  • Cover: TBD
  • Icon: 60x60px
  • Logo: 600x72px
  • Profile: 600x600px
  • Post/Entry images: 1000px+ for full width
    . . . more to come . . .

Content development

This site's content (articles and blog/journal entries) is developed offline (see Joplin above) and formatted as Markdown, which is then uploaded directly to the Ghost platform CMS with little or no adjustment.


Content fonts are customized, but most other fonts are governed by the chosen Ghost platform theme (see below).

Main content: Crimson Pro. Prior versions of this website were set to the Cardo font.

Monospaced content: Fira Mono

Headers: Fira Sans Book

Ghost publishing platform theme

Current theme: Massively theme. Other themes are currently being explored.

The site structure has been customized to lead with a landing page. While pages remain pages, /blog/ follows native blog-ish structure.

General color palette

Shades of gray with occasional splashes of color. Dark surrounding background. Light foreground (content region). Black text.


The Chicago Manual of Style is adhered to, until it is not.

* Translation: "O most gracious reader, wash your hands and touch the book only like this: turn the pages softly and keep your finger far away from the text". —source: Colophon (publishing), Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

Published August 26, 2019 || Updated May 18, 2020

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